How To Clean Your Favourite Leather Couch?

Halloween Party

What to do if you see your favorite leather couch is filled up with stains like fake blood, wine, smashed pumpkins? It will be very frustrating for you. To remove all stains and dust from the couch, proper cleaning is very essential. Go through the blog and know the effective Couch Cleaning technique step by step.

Couch Cleaning


  1. Remove The Minor Dust: At first, you need to remove the minor or loose dust and dirt from your leather couch properly. To do this, you need a vacuum cleaner. Turn it on and clean the surface. After, vacuuming you can eliminate the remaining dust by using a soft brush.
  2. Eliminate Stains Or Unwanted Black Spots: After the Halloween night, it’s natural to see some unwanted stains like fake blood, wine, smashed pumpkin covered in your leather couch. You need to remove them from your couch properly otherwise they can damage. To do this, firstly, remove the spots as much as possible by using a small cloth.
  3. Prepare The Solution: You need to make a stain removal solution for removing the remaining stains. At first, you should make a mixture of a certain amount of liquid soap and water. After that, fill the mixture in a spray bottle and apply gently on the stained surface. Now, rub the area properly by using a clean cloth. You can also use a special leather stain cleaner instead of a homemade solution.
  4. Make A Leather Cleaning Solution: Once you have erased all spots and stains, you have to make a cleaning solution. To do this, you need vinegar, water, a bowl, and a cleaning towel. Firstly, you need to mix a certain amount of vinegar and water in a bowl properly. After that, dip the towel into the mixture and then mop the entire surface of your couch. Deeply clean every corner and the dirtiest areas of the couch. You should use circular and gentle motion to wipe out all dirt. After cleaning, you need to dry your couch by using a dry microfibre cloth or a fresh towel.
  5. Add Leather Oil Or Conditioner: This upholstery cleaning process is almost done. When it is completely dried, you should apply a certain amount of leather oil or leather conditioner. This product is widely available in your nearest store. It gives a glossy look to your couch.

Leather Cleaning
In this way, you can clean your leather couch. Halloween stains are common. You should apply simple carpet cleaning techniques to remove such stains. If you want to clean professionally, you can call an expert as soon as possible.

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